** The submission deadline for the Awards Series has been extended **
to October 9th, by 4:00 p.m.
The Green Building Showcase contains our Project Gallery, which contains 150+ community submitted project boards. The gallery contains both General Submissions, and our Awards Competition Submissions. You choose the content on your board – whether it be partial or completed projects, innovative products, designs, and programs – as well as submission category:
General Submission: If you just want to show off your showboard without competing in the competitions, this is the submission category for you. General submissions are not eligible for the awards competition.
Awards Competition: Have a project that you believe deserves extra recognition? Then consider entering into our Awards Competition series, which features the Market Leader Award Series and our Green Building of the Year Award. See past winners here.
All submissions to our Awards Series must be…
- registered through Eventbrite by October 9th, 2019, by 4:00 p.m.
- submitted through our Project Submission form before October 9th, 2019, by 4:00 PM. PDF files of showboards are due through this form.
All boards – in both the Awards Series and General Submissions categories – must be created as a 24″ x 36″ poster board and delivered to the first floor lobby of the Innovation and Design Center on October 22nd, 2019, from 12:00 – 4:00 PM.
Read our Project submission Guidelines to learn more about the submission process and awards categories:
General Submission | $100 per board
Showboards (mounted posters) are a great way to convey your proudest projects to the community. By submitting a board, your project will be displayed at the venue, making it a great conversation starter or way to share information about your project. General Submissions do not need to submit PDF files, nor do they need to be registered by the October 9th deadline.
Award Series| $250 per board
There are two series one can submit their boards to in the Award Series: the Market Leader Award Series and the Green Building of the Year Award. Both series cost $250 to submit a board.
Market Leader Award Series
With our Market Leadership Award Series, you can submit your project to be considered for an award in the following categories:
- Health and Wellness
- Site
- Energy and Water Efficiency
- Resilience
- Innovation
One winner will be decided within each category. Winners will be announced during Green Building Showcase and will receive exclusive PR support after the event in the form of a combined blog and social media post.
Green Building of the Year Award
Do you have a project that stands out? You know it’s the best of the best, so give it the attention it deserves by entering in our Green Building of the Year Contest. This award is designed to highlight the most impressive green building design within our green building community. The winner of this selective competition will be announced during Green Building Showcase and will receive exclusive PR support after the event in the form of a blog and social media post.
Must be a completed building, built within the last 5 years, and designed or built by a Massachusetts company.