Bird Safe Design
Hours: 2
Express Program: YES


Learning Objectives:

- Identify and apply current best practices in reducing bird collisions for new design
- Integrate bird-friendly architecture with other aspects of green design
- Understand existing and potential legislation mandating bird-friendly design
- Use LEED Pilot Credit #55: Reducing Bird Collisions

Course Description:

This class reviews the science that explains bird collisions, how to recognize hazards to birds in the built environment and shows a range of solutions and buildings that illustrate those solutions. Case studies will explore many of the currently available strategies for reducing bird mortality and how bird-friendly design can add value to strategies often deployed to control heat and light or promote security. We review the use of the LEED credit and important features of legislation concerned with bird-friendly design. Techniques now in use for evaluating the relative threat level to birds of different materials are described, along with typical results.


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