Building Tech Forum: Introducing Mass Save Programs
On Thursday July 7th, the 2022 BE+ Building Tech Forum brought together over 120 attendees and 22 presenters in an exciting night highlighting the cutting-edge products and ideas of the green building industry. Lively presentations covered products, materials, and services that will significantly cut back on carbon emissions in innovative ways, altering the future industry standards. This blog series will provide a recap of the forum to all that were unable to attend. Part one introduces two of our educational track leaders, Eversource and National Grid.
Many thanks to our event sponsors and track leaders, Denise Rouleau of National Grid and Kim Cullinane of Eversource, who opened the evening with an inspiring talk about the future of green building in Massachusetts. Eversource and National Grid, along with other program administrators in Massachusetts, are Sponsors of Mass Save and share the common goal of helping residents and businesses across Massachusetts save money and energy, leading our state to a clean and energy efficient future. Mass Save programs and services are managed and delivered by electric and gas utilities and energy efficiency service providers (working closely with the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources), providing the energy expertise to help save customers money and energy. The funding is supported by a charge on customers’ energy bills.
The Sponsors of Mass Save, including National Grid and Eversource, are paving the way towards an efficient and equitable green future. Through electrification, workforce development, and equity, National Grid, Eversource, and the other Sponsors of Mass Save have created the Three-Year Energy Efficiency Plan that will provide roughly $13 billion in benefits to the Commonwealth and maintain Massachusetts as a top-ranked state for energy efficiency. The plan assigns a social cost of carbon for assessing both climate impacts and the value of mitigation.
With three New Building and Major Renovation Participation Pathways, the Mass Save Sponsors are providing customers opportunities to save energy and pursue Zero Net Energy, Zero Net Energy Ready, or Passive House options. Further, the Mass Save Sponsors are providing heat pump incentives, demand response, and EV charging options. The Mass Save Sponsors can provide customers with energy analysis to determine cost savings, guidance from leaders in the field, and incentive dollars paid at the end of construction/installation.
We are grateful for the continued partnership of National Grid and Eversource, as energy efficiency leaders, as event sponsors, and as long-time Company Members of Built Environment Plus.