Advocacy Roundtable

Conference Room Edison (Floor 16) 50 Milk Street, Boston, MA 02110, Boston, MA

Legislation and policy drives our industry, but who drives changes in legislation and law?  Join our Advocacy committee as they interpret, suggest updates to, and advocate for advances in laws and policy related to green buildings. All are welcome to join in this high-level discussion.  General Questions: How can this committee reach out and build […]

Intro to PassivHaus

"Edison" Conference Room 50 Milk Street 16th Floor, Boston, MA, United States

About the session: PassivHaus, Passive House or PH for short: we know you have been hearing about it, if you subscribe to high performance building. This well known standard has made its way to the Americas and now is growing roots in Massachusetts. Come connect with the leaders at Passive House Massachusetts and learn the […]

Emerging Professionals of Massachusetts Monthly Meeting.

50 Milk St Socrates Conference Room, Floor 15, Boston, MA, United States

EMERGING PROFESSIONALS OF MASSACHUSETTS (EPMA) The EPMA Committee is a great venue for becoming more engaged with green building community and forming meaningful connections with colleagues across the industry. Our monthly meetings are open to anyone interested in becoming more involved. MEETING AGENDAS TYPICALLY INCLUDE: Short presentation from one of our members about their work […]