How to Design Net Zero Buildings

By USGBCMA Communications, More Green Buildings!

Join us for a workshop on how to achieve net zero on your projects… and how to sell them to your clients!

Wednesday, August 17 from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm
50 Milk Street, Boston (“Meridian”, Floor 5)

Register here or below.

You’ll learn…

  • how to rally your project team to achieve net zero energy on your projects
  • ways to sell your clients on being committed to never having to pay a utility bill ever again

Using specific case studies and stories from the field, you’ll develop an arsenal of ideas you can apply to your current projects right now. We'll include a never-before-seen discussion of Seattle’s Bullitt Center, called the “greenest office building in the world” and how they achieved net zero with an EUI of 10.

Tour TWO Living Buildings!

By USGBCMA Communications, More Green Buildings!

In just a month, you can join us on a free tour of the Hitchcock Center and the R.W. Kern Center!

Friday, August 12 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
893 West Street, Amherst, MA 01002

Register here or below. (It's free, but feel free to donate!)

The Living Building Challenge is the built environment’s most rigorous performance standard. Its goal is to create building projects “that operate as cleanly, beautifully and efficiently as nature’s architecture.” To be certified under the Challenge, projects must meet a series of ambitious performance requirements, including Net Zero energy, and Net Zero waste and water, and avoiding the use of any ‘Red List’ materials.

Bruner/Cott's R.W. Kern Center, an LBC project at Hampshire College in Amherst, MA and the Hitchcock Center (also in Amherst, MA) are new, low-impact flagship buildings. Read about Bruner/Cott, a Silver Sponsor of ours, here!

During the three-hour event, we will spend 90 min at the R.W. Kern Center, then transition to the Hitchcock Center for the remainder of the event. Each site will have a walking tour of the mechanical rooms, floor plan and landscape. The tour will be lead by the builders, designers and Living Building Collaborative members who contributed to the project. 

Networking Opportunity + Building Tour Next Week!

By USGBCMA Communications, More Green Buildings!

FREE for Members and $25 for Non-Members: a joint building tour and networking night organized by the Outreach Committee.

Thursday, July 21 from 5:30pm to 8:00pm
75 State Street, Boston

Register here or below!

During the tour, we’ll explore the building, including tenant spaces and the roof deck. After the event, we'll be discussing all things sustainable!


5:30 PM – Initial Gathering in Lobby
5:45 PM – Project Presentation
6:00 PM – Building Tour
7:30 PM – Chapter Networking

About the Venue:

75 State Street, Boston, MA (Brookfield Properties)
LEED O+M: Existing Buildings Gold Certification in 2009
LEED O+M: Existing Buildings Platinum Re-Certification in 2014

The building is also Energy Star Certified.

Get Excited for Greenbuild!

By USGBCMA Communications, More Green Buildings!

Greenbuild is the world's largest conference and expo dedicated to green building. It provides a forum for the green building community to unite, change lives, revolutionize business, and address our world’s most pressing problems. The three-day event, which will be held in Los Angeles Convention Center from Oct. 5-7, will feature high profile celebrities, activists and political figures working together to promote the ideals and interests of the green building movement.

Learn more about the event here.

Greenbuild offers several conference packages to help you maximize your time onsite at the show.

Tips and Pointers!

  • Register before the Early Bird deadline (August 1) to save money
  • USGBC Members get discounted tickets
  • USGBCMA will be renting a house in LA! Email if you would like to join in!

Register now!

Becoming a LEED GA is easy with our help!

By USGBCMA Communications, More Green Buildings!

We are offering an Exam Prep Course for the LEED Green Associate Exam!

Wednesday, July 27 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
50 Milk Street, “Hemingway” Room

Register here or below.

The day long curriculum is designed to cover the segments of the Green Associate Exam and to lightly cover the AP specialty exams. If you have specific questions regarding a specialty exam, feel free to bring these questions to class and have the instructor cover these identified areas. 

Come join us for this session! We have only had positive feedback and success stories from previous classes.

The Green Associate preparation course will cover most of the material on the LEED Green Associate exam. You should plan to spend an additional 10-20 hours of study time outside of this class. This time will be best spent reviewing the reading materials listed below while paying particular attention to concepts and terminology. The LEED Green Associate Handbook references hundreds of pages of reading materials, while this class will focus primarily on the 106-page LEED Core Concepts Guide.  As part of this fast-tracked course, we will skim some reading materials and skip other reading materials.  

Students who have passed the exam have reported that local study partners and/or study groups have been very helpful. This is your chance to meet local professionals in the same boat as you!

Hope to see you there. LEED on!

What came before LEED? BREEAM is coming to the US!

By USGBCMA Communications, More Green Buildings!

LEED's British forebear, BREEAM, is starting to gain popularity in the States!

Register here or below.

Wednesday, July 20 from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM
50 Milk Street, “Aristotle” Room

BREEAM is the world's leading sustainability assessment method for master planning projects, infrastructure and buildings. It addresses a number of lifecycle stages such as New Construction and Refurbishment with a special emphasis on In-Use structures.

With a focus on sustainable value and efficiency, BREEAM certified developments make attractive property investments and create environments that enhance the well-being of the people who live and work in them. The core technical standards and processes of BREEAM USA will be discussed as well as its comprehensive, scientific approach to building sustainability. 

BREEAM USA is a partnership between BuildingWise, the award-winning US-based LEED certification consultancy, and BRE Group, the international provider of robust, independent, third party certification of fire, security and environmental products and services.



Celebrate Legislative Progress at our BBQ!

By USGBCMA Communications, More Green Buildings!

Join friends from the Climate Action Business Association (CABA) and the US Green Building Council (MA Chapter) as we come together to celebrate legislative and regulatory progress on a variety of issues! (Energy Policy, Net Metering reform, Building Codes, Flame Retardants, and more!)

Thursday, July 28 from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Old West Church: 131 Cambridge Street, Boston

Register here or below.
$15 for Members, $25 for everyone else!



Next Week: Introduction to WELL!

By USGBCMA Communications, More Green Buildings!

Learn about the building standard focused on human health and well-being.

Tuesday, July 19 from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM
50 Milk Street, “Aristotle” Room

Register here or below.

The WELL Building Standard was recently created to help design buildings that are better for human health. We anticipate that this building standard will greatly impact the building process and the types of buildings that are constructed in the future.

To bring as many people up to speed with this new standard, we have organized an introductory session at our headquarters. This session will be beneficial for professionals from all sectors of the building industry: owners, engineers, builders and occupants interested in the new standard are encouraged to attend!

Spend a Sunday at the Old Oak Dojo

By USGBCMA Communications, More Green Buildings!

Experience a living building! FREE for members and $10 for non-members.

Sunday, July 24 from 3:00pm to 4:30pm
14 Chestnut Place, Boston, MA 02130
 (Jamaica Plain)

Register here or below.

Come join us for an intimate tour of this very special facility. The Old Oak Dojo is the first living building in Boston and we will gather the Collaborative for a summer meeting to connect and celebrate this special achievement.

The Living Building Challenge is a building certification program, advocacy tool and philosophy that challenges us to ask the question, What if every single act of design and construction made the world a better place?

In April 2016, the Old Oak Dojo became one of the first 11 buildings in the world to be LBC-certified. On the fourth Sundays of the month, we can tour the space. We’ll be able to see all the salvaged materialsrainwater harvestingindoor compost toileturban permaculture gardens, and more.

Learn more about the Old Oak Dojo on its website. We hope to see you there in a few weeks!

image sources: and http://o…


New to the Building Industry? Join the Emerging Professionals Committee!

By USGBCMA Communications, More Green Buildings!

The Emerging Professionals Committee of MA (EPMA) meets every month to organize events and programs.

The next meeting is in two weeks:
Monday, July 25 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm
1 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108

RSVP: Email Kristin Malyak ( to be added to the security list. All are welcome.

Example email:
Subject: EPMA Security
Body: Please add my name to the security list. I am looking forward to attending the next meeting. Thanks!


More about the Emerging Professionals of Massachusetts (EPMA):

The EPMA Committee is a great venue for becoming more engaged with green building community and forming meaningful connections with colleagues across the industry. Our monthly meetings are open to anyone interested in becoming more involved. 

The USGBC Massachusetts Emerging Professionals (EPMA) is a group of green building professionals who are relatively new to the industry, inclusive of students fresh out of college, young professionals in the industry, graduate students, and more seasoned professionals simply new to the sustainable field.

EPMA strives to become engaged with the greater Boston green community through educational and career development events, networking nights, volunteer programs and other events which promote the conservation, regeneration and stewardship of natural resources through sustainable building practices.

Some of EPMA's Events:

  • Building Tours
  • Sustainable Bike Tour
  • Sustainable Dinner
  • Networking Nights

Check out our calendar for the latest schedule! 

Meeting agendas typically include:

  • Short presentation from one of our members about their work in the green building industry
  • Brainstorming new initiatives and events
  • Updates on broader Chapter initiatives and events
  • Strategy and planning for upcoming EPMA-hosted events

Please reach out to our committee chairs or attend an upcoming meeting if you have a great idea for an EP event that you would like see come to life, or if you are just interested in becoming more involved!

Chair: Jenna Dancewicz
Vice Chair:  Suzy O'Leary