The Built Environment Plus Community & You in 2023
Our Mission & Vision
We drive sustainable and regenerative design, construction, and operation of the built environment!
We envision a thriving and diverse community, creating a built environment of net positive systems of water and energy, of financial and social equity, and of ecological and human health.
Executive Summary
2023 was a big year for this incredible community, and more than anything else, it was a validation of why we established this organization back in 2007 – the simple idea that we are stronger together than on our own. The power and promise of this organization is in the PLUS.
Yes, it’s the people. Yes, it’s the companies. Yes, it’s the frameworks and rating systems and tools. Yes, it’s the knowledge, the passion, and the commitment towards bringing into existence a sustainable and regenerative built environment. Yes, it’s the relationships between these critical parts. The PLUS is how we interface, connect, and bridge to a new way of designing, constructing, and operating our buildings and infrastructure so they truly meet our needs.
2023 was a record-setting year for Built Environment Plus. Our event and training registrations increased 30% in just one year. We soared to record numbers of individual members, company members, events, attendees, hours of interaction, award submissions, and more. Green Building Showcase featured more projects and drew more attendees than 2017 when Greenbuild came to Boston.
In March, we launched the Embodied Carbon Reduction Challenge in partnership with the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, and provided a slew of tools, resources, and trainings to help reduce the upfront carbon of buildings in the design phase. MassCEC will award a total of $380,000 in prizes for projects being submitted through April 3rd, 2024. Also in partnership with MassCEC, we created the High-Performance Building Procurement Toolkit to support municipalities, developers, and building owners.
Our May 2023 update to the Massachusetts is Ready for Net Zero report documented 32.8 million square feet of Net Zero and Net Zero Ready buildings, representing a 355% increase in known square footage in just two years. Based on this project research, in October we launched BE+ CONNECTS, a national directory of high-performance building professionals connected to their project data. Over 100 professionals have already created a professional profile.
As the organization continues to develop and mature, we recognize there is no such thing as “sustainability” without addressing diversity, equity and inclusion. In June, we confirmed our commitment to DEI with a new statement on our website and shared how we put DEI in practice. Participating in MassCEC’s Summer 2023 Targeted Internship Program by recruiting, placing and then supporting 15 students of color in clean energy internships is just one example of this.
The BE+ Education Program collaborated with 25 industry-leading instructors and partner organizations to offer 118 sustainability, green building, technical, software, and leadership trainings to students, early- and mid-career professionals, and senior level practitioners. Between our public programming and privately administered Workforce Training Fund grants, over 1,100 seats were filled in 800 hours of training. LEED continued to be the most relevant rating system to participants in Private training.
Our six thriving topic communities hosted nearly 40 roundtables, supported eight premier events, and tackled a long list of pressing topics from the Stretch Energy Code’s use of TEDI to the many ways that PFAS infiltrate the built environment. Our community stewardship program to support these communities grew to an impressive 39 stewards.
As we look ahead to an exciting 2024, we are filled with gratitude for the awe-inspiring accomplishments of this mighty community. Together, we can move mountains.
Meredith Elbaum AIA, LEED AP
Built Environment Plus Executive Director
Individual Members
Company Members
BE+ Events
People Hours of Public Interaction
Event and Training Registrations
Unique Attendees Public Registrations
Individual Members
Company Members
BE+ Events
People Hours of Public Interaction
Event and Training Registrations
Unique Attendees Public Registrations
Individual Members
Company Members
BE+ Events
People Hours of Public Interaction
Event and Training Registrations
Unique Attendees Public Registrations
Individual Members
Company Members
BE+ Events
People Hours of Public Interaction
Event and Training Registrations
Unique Attendees Public Registrations
Individual Members
Company Members
BE+ Events
People Hours of Public Interaction
Event and Training Registrations
Unique Attendees Public Registrations
BE+ Green Building Showcase
We gathered with WS Development at 111 Harbor Way to celebrate an impressive array of projects, breaking records for award submissions and attendance. The annual awards program and celebration is an important marker of progress towards sustainable and regenerative design, construction, and operation of the built environment.

Embodied Carbon in Buildings: Tools Overview
In this Tools Overview session by Stephanie Carlisle, a Senior Researcher at the Carbon Leadership Forum, we discussed the wide breadth of available tools and how to select an appropriate tool for your project. We dug a bit into background data, and showed 3 or 4 tools in more depth with time for questions and discussion.

BE+ Building Tech Forum
On Tuesday June 13th, the 2023 BE+ Building Tech Forum brought together over 160 attendees and 27 presenters in an exciting night, at The Foundry in Cambridge, highlighting the cutting-edge products and ideas of the green building industry. Lively presentations covered technology, materials, and services that will significantly cut back on carbon emissions in innovative ways, altering the future industry standards.

BE+ Sustainability Scavenger Hunt
This year was such a special Scavenger Hunt year because of YOU. We were blown away by the impact you all made with the 2023 mission submissions. It was heartwarming to see the good you all did for your community. This ranged from park cleanups and clothing donations to food pantry volunteering and so much more! Of the 37 participating teams, 10 teams completed all of the 14 daily missions, but three teams stood out above the rest with exemplary submissions.

Embodied Carbon Reduction in Buildings: Case Studies in LCA
In this embodied carbon case studies session by Aurora Jensen, a Senior Technical Specialist and the Embodied Carbon Lead at Brightworks Sustainability, we walked through key priorities and examples of how to put life cycle assessments (LCAs) into practice during design and procurement. These diverse case studies presented offer insight into how LCA can be leveraged for decision making towards deep carbon reduction.

BE+ Summer Shindig
On August 9th we came together at Portico Brewing’s Taproom to raise a glass to this incredible local green building community! We launched this first-ever Summer Shindig as a fun way to meet and greet the leaders, aspiring leaders, and emerging professionals driving the sustainability of the built environment. We had a blast while celebrating green building progress, learning more about our 6 thriving topic communities, and experiencing the exciting new development of Boynton Yards.

Women in Green 2023
On the Morning of December 6th, the Women in Green community came together for their largest gathering celebrating women reimagining and reshaping our world. This year’s theme, five generations, each bringing a distinct and valuable contribution to the work environment and sustainability field, was discussed over breakfast. A panel discussion spotlighted six women, spanning emerging professionals to established industry leaders.

BE+ Design for People
On August 10th, we gathered at Payette’s offices to hear from industry leaders and change-makers on how they are disrupting business-as-usual with new approaches to equity, diversity, and inclusion. This year’s topic, Green Buildings for All, reinforced that true sustainability requires a triple-bottom line of meeting the social, economic, and environmental needs of current and future generations.

Living Future New England: A Just Celebration
We joined together to acknowledge organizations in our community who have taken the next step towards transparency in becoming a socially equitable and diverse business. This exciting opportunity let us connect and celebrate with those raising the bar of social justice in their workplaces. This year we were hosted by Humanscale, a Just and Living Product Challenge certified organization!

BE+ Green Building Bike Tour
This year, we toured from Cambridge to Boston Seaport, following the Green Line Extension community path along with projects from local architecture and engineering firms in their efforts in creating a more sustainable built environment. Our starting point was Jerry’s Pond at Alewife Station. We stopped at Somerville Junction Park, Boynton Yards, King Open School, Portico Brewing, Cambridge Crossing, Hub on Causeway, Winthrop Center, and Harbor Way. We ended at Cisco Brewers where participants enjoyed complimentary food and drinks!

Carbon & Energy
The Carbon & Energy Community continued to provide guidance around codes, incentives, and mandates in 2023, gathering large groups of leaders and experts to discuss best practices and compliance pathways for some of the industry’s most pressing challenges. Recap sessions of BE+ Building Tech Forum and Green Building Showcase provided community members the chance to celebrate some of the most exciting innovations and successes of the year.
Joelle Jahn, JB&B
Stephen Moore, Steven Winter Associates
Noah Klammer, Affiliated Engineers
Roundtable Topics:
January – MA Stretch Code Technical Guidance Draft Discussion
February – Stacking Incentives for Net Zero in MA
March – What’s New for Electrical Requirements in the Energy Code
May – Minimizing Fan Power by Optimizing HVAC Design
June – Building Tech Forum recap
July – Ground source heat pumps
September – Best Practices in Lab Design
October – Is TEDI a Bear? Getting to the Thermal Energy Demand Intensity (TEDI) limits in the MA Energy Stretch and Specialized Code.
November – Diving into the C&E Entries from Green Building Showcase 2023
December – Mass Save Commercial and Residential New Construction/Major Renovation program changes – advancing all electric buildings
Associated Events:
BE+ Building Tech Forum 2023

Decarbonize Existing Buildings Alliance
The DEBA Community continued to explore the power of small-scale interventions in our existing buildings this past year, and expanded into local mandates, incentives, and advocacy for prioritizing our existing building stock. As some of our best-attended roundtables of 2023, DEBA is proving to be a much-needed resource for the BE+ community and green building industry.
Ilene Mason, RPM
Rand Lemley, DREAM Collaborative
William Riordan, Albireo Energy
Roundtable Topics:
February – Where to Start: Impacts of Increasing R Value on Building Performance
April – Emissions reduction mandates: BERDO & BEUDO
June – Mass Save DER programs with the existing building community
August – Zero Over Time, Projecting Carbon Impacts
October – Advocacy: How Can We Leverage Our Knowledge Community?
December – Carbon Offsets + RECs
Associated Events:
BE+ Building Tech Forum 2023

Women in Green
The Women In Green Community focused on empowerment in many forms in 2023, considering how industry labels and commitments influence gender, focused on women leading the way in operations and maintenance, and explored the collective power of intergenerational collaboration among women in the AEC industry. The team also kicked back at the BE+ Summer Shindig with a green-building-themed stand-up comedy hour with our very own Rosie Osser – the first of its kind!
Roselin Osser, AKF
Elizabeth Venuti, enviENERGY Studio
Mary Beth Bigelow, Consigli
Roundtable Topics:
March – Women In Green: The JUST Label Metrics Related to Gender
May – Empowered to Lead: AEC Commitments
November – Building Operators, Facilities Management
Associated Events:
Women in Green 2023: Five Generations
Summer Shindig

Living Future
The Living Future Community remains a committed group of progressive thinkers, with a whole-systems approach to a range of built environment topics in 2023. These include explorations around our relationship with land, finding balance within our cities, and considering how our projects can be driven by larger, holistic movements.
DiAnn Tufts, PCA
Jim Newman, Linnean Solutions
Roundtable Topics:
February – Reflection and Year Ahead
April – UNs SDGs + A Living Future
June – Connection to and Treatment of Soil and Land
August – Rebalancing Cities for Human Health
October – Rewilding Cities: How Do We Achieve Balance?
December – Rethinking “Public” Land
Associated Events:
A Just Celebration
Bringing the UN Sustainable Development Goals Back Home
Bee The Trees – Biophilic Walk in the Woods
Design For People

Health & Wellness
The Health & Wellness Community tackled complex issues in 2023, most notably how to get gas out of our buildings and taking a deep dive into PFAS in our water, building materials, and waste streams. The group remains committed to advocacy and shedding light on important topics that are easily overlooked or dismissed at the project level.
Lindsay Bach, PCA
Carrie Havey, The Green Engineer
Gabriel Echeverria, enviENERGY Studio

Emerging Professionals
The Emerging Professionals Community was back in-person in 2023, organizing two social events and eight roundtables that gave younger professionals opportunities to network and present on their work. The group also offered a monthly media club to discuss hot sustainability issues, and a tour of a recycling facility in Peabody. The group is excited to continue in-person programming in 2024 with a growing network of aspiring leaders.
Axel Jeremie, WSP
Monisha Nasa, Elkus Manfredi Architects
Eshaan Matthew, Siemens
Roundtable Topics:
February – Roundtable @ Elkus Manfredi Architects
March – Roundtable @ Arrowstreet
May – Roundtable @ ARUP
June – Roundtable @ Consigli
July – Roundtable @ Harvard House Zero with Siemens
August – Roundtable @ WSP
October – Roundtable (Virtual)
November – Roundtable @ MassCEC
Associated Events:
Emerging Professionals 2023 Kickoff
Emerging Professionals Recycling Tour
Emerging Professionals Media Club: Climate Reporting
Emerging Professionals Media Club: Donut Economics
Emerging Professionals Media Club: Urban Heat Island + Equity
Summer Shindig
Emerging Professionals Media Club: Are DERs the Way Forward?
Emerging Professionals September Social
Women In Green 2023: Five Generations

Keeping Our Industry Up to Date
In 2023, Built Environment Plus collaborated with 25 industry-leading instructors and partner organizations to offer 118 sustainability, green building, technical, software, and leadership trainings to students, early- and mid-career professionals, and senior level practitioners. Between our public programming and privately administered Workforce Training Fund grants, over 1,100 seats were filled in 800 hours of training.
Since 2018, BE+ has directed over $1.5 million in Commonwealth Corporation Workforce Training Funds by participating in the Express Program and administering 2-year General Program grants for Massachusetts firms. We are excited to report that in 2023, not only did one General Program grant complete, but additionally a new grant with Sasaki and MDS Architects began. We look forward to administering 2 additional General Program grants in 2024 for two new consortiums of Massachusetts firms.

MAssachusetts is Ready for Net Zero - Spring 2023 Update released
In May of 2023 we released our 4th update to the Massachusetts is Ready for Net Zero Report.
Continued data collection since 2021 increased the total known square footage in the analysis from 7.2 million GSF to 32.8 million GSF. This represents a 355% increase in just 2 years.
Of the 7 million GSF with reported cost data, 81% reported <1% construction cost premium to achieve Net Zero Ready. Multi-family and affordable housing’s combined 11 Million GSF are leading the way for Net Zero development in Massachusetts, employing heat pumps and on-site renewables to reach their Net Zero targets. Lab / Tech / Science grew substantially in 2023 to 9.3 Million GSF, making up the majority of the found Net Zero Ready space.

BE+ Launched the Embodied Carbon Reduction Challenge with MassCEC
Unlike operational carbon emissions, which can be reduced over time with building energy efficiency renovations and renewable energy, embodied carbon emissions from building materials have irreversibly entered the atmosphere as soon as a building is built. That means the upfront building material choices are critically impactful. And as new construction operations become more efficient, embodied carbon impacts become even more significant.
MassCEC has engaged Built Environment Plus to conduct an Embodied Carbon Challenge for actual new construction and major renovation projects in process or built in Massachusetts. MassCEC will award up to $380,000 of prizes for up to 12 projects that incorporate replicable, innovative, and impactful changes to reduce embodied carbon in building materials.
Interns Placed
Internships Completed
Resulting Full-time Job Offer
Targeted College Internship Program with MassCEC Continued in 2023
Built Environment Plus recruited students and employers to participate in MassCEC’s Targeted Internship Program (TIP). The program’s goal is to increase diversity within the Commonwealth’s clean energy workforce and create career pathways for Massachusetts college and clean energy certificate students that lead to greater economic stability.
Students of color selected for the Targeted program are mentored and guided by a MassCEC approved Training Provider. Students must also attend career preparedness workshops facilitated by the training provider. Training providers recruited students from the MassCEC College Internship Database and sought clean energy employers to place students.
I have The Green Engineer and BE+ to thank for this wonderful experience that I can never forget – and essentially the start of it all. Since the start of the summer, I went from basically 0 to 75%… MassCEC has opened up a lot of doors for me – I cannot wait to see more young and curious future interns experience the same in the coming years!

High-Performance Building Procurement Toolkit Released
The toolkit was created to support municipalities, developers, and building owners when they’re identifying companies and procuring services needed for their high-performance building or retrofit projects.
The included resources help municipal representatives explore the sustainability, resiliency, and climate mitigation objectives of the developers’ proposals, particularly with regard to energy efficiency, embodied and operational carbon, indoor air quality, and grid interactivity. Developers will also find similar support for generating robust engagement with their project teams.

BE+ CONNECTS - Professionals Invited
At the tail end of 2023, we invited the AEC community to join BE+ CONNECTS, a directory of high-performance building professionals.
BE+ CONNECTS is an interactive and engaging discovery tool that curates evolving companies, and their linked professionals, to promote expertise to clients designing and constructing high-performance buildings.
AHA Consulting Engineers
Albireo Energy
Bala Consulting Engineers
Boston Properties
Boston Planning & Development Agency
BR+A Consulting Engineers
Bruner/Cott & Associates
Buro Happold
Devens Enterprise Commission
DiMella Shaffer Associates
DREAM Collaborative
DSK | Dewing Schmid Kearns
Dyer Brown
Elkus Manfredi Architects
enVerid Systems
enviENERGY Studio
Fusion Optix
Gail Roberts, Ed Feijo & Team
Goody Clancy
Gorman Richardson Lewis Architects
Gradient Comfort
HMFH Architects
Johnson Roberts Associates, Inc.
Knollmeyer Building Corporation
Ladybug Tools, Inc.
Lam Partners
LDa Architecture & Interiors
Linnean Solutions
Mass Clean Energy Center
MDS/Miller Dyer Spears
MP Boston
National Grid
Natural Systems Utilities
Next Phase Studios, Inc.
Nitsch Engineering
Paul Lukez Architecture
Payette Associates, Inc
PCA Design
Perkins Eastman
Petersen Engineering
Regenesis Group
Rethinking Power Managament (RPM)
Sasaki Associates Inc
Shepley Bulfinch
Siena Construction
Solect Energy
Steven Winter Associates
Structure Tone
Studio G Architects
Superior Essex International LP
The Green Engineer, Inc.
The Team
Thornton Tomasetti
Turner Construction
U.S. Green Building Council
Vicinity Energy
WS Development
WSP Built Ecology
ZeroEnergy Design
Jenn Taranto, Chair
Vice President of Sustainability, Global Services, STO Building Group
Kristen Fritsch, Vice-Chair
Sustainability Coordinator, Elkus Manfredi Architects
Galen Nelson, Treasurer
Chief Program Officer, MassCEC
Sarah Michelman, Secretary
Principal, The Green Engineer
Axel Jeremie, Emerging Professionals Representative
Assistant Sustainability Consultant, WSP Built Ecology
Brad Mahoney, Director
Senior Project Manager, MP Boston
Chad Laurent, Director
Principal, Cadmus Group LLC
Julie Janiski, Director
Partner, BuroHappold Engineering
Kate Bubriski, Director
Director of Sustainability & Building Performance, Arrowstreet
Neetu Siddarth, Director
Sustainability Manager, Energy & Utilities, BXP
N Jonathan Unaka, Director
Adjunct Faculty, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Rebecca Rahmlow, Director
Senior Associate and Sustainability Consultant, Thornton Tomasetti
Rebecca Schofield, Director
Developer, Pennrose
Sandhya Iyer, Director
Economic Development Director, Town of Lexington
Lia Clark
Yasir Faisal
Haya Adleh
Lila McNamee
Alex Basulto
Alana Motley
Virginia Eduoard
Meredith Elbaum, Executive Director
Eli Beckerman, Deputy Director
Allison Zuchman, Education Director
Ryan Pagois, Associate
Etianna Nascimento, Communications Associate
Gwynn Klumpenaar, Program Assistant
Ethan Vonderheide, Project Coordinator