We are living in an era of deep systemic challenges and major opportunities for transformative change at every level. While Built Environment Plus has evolved over the years in order to better meet our mission, we are thrilled to have an unprecedented opportunity to quickly expand our capacity, our programming, and our impact.

Thanks to new funding from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, we are able to build on our track record to deepen our programming on decarbonizing existing buildings. Starting with Boston and Cambridge, and expanding across the state, we’ll be engaging and supporting new audiences and stakeholders to tackle large building retrofits and meet the growing push towards building performance standards.

In addition, we are hiring a Communities lead to support our six thriving topic communities, which have really been the heartbeat of BE+ since the pandemic. The BE+ community has never been more vital, and the policy and industry landscape has never been more aligned with our mission. That is why we look forward to continuing our role in building connections, sharing knowledge, and growing and leveraging the group genius of our mighty community.

It’s all about the plus. For us, the plus represents relationship, possibility, and a community far greater than the sum of its parts.

Check out our open positions and help spread the word!

About Built Environment Plus
Built Environment Plus (BE+) is a member-based community driving sustainable and regenerative design, construction, and operations of the built environment.  BE+ provides green building education, networking, advocacy and leadership opportunities for the sustainable building practitioner community and beyond. Our events and programming are supported and enhanced by the volunteer efforts of our community members – the leaders and aspiring leaders in the green building industry.

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