For the upcoming Fourth Annual MED|Ed Facilities Conference and Expo in Boston, the USGBC Massachusetts Chapter will be sponsoring a number of sessions during the event's two days. One session is W38: Building a Healthy Campus – The Well Building Standard, as instructed by Sarah Welton of the International WELL Building Institute.

More info:

The Introduction to the WELL Building Standard presentation provides an overview of the WELL Building Standard ideology, structure, and certification process. The medical basis for the concept categories is introduced along with design and construction strategies to create healthy buildings. The time has come to elevate human health and comfort to the forefront of building practices and reinvent buildings that are not only better for the planet—but also for people. This presentation will introduce how to do this using the WELL Building Standard as the framework.

Wednesday, April 5th, 2:00pm

Learn more and register.

Use the code USGBC for 20% off any of our sessions!

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