For the upcoming Fourth Annual MED|Ed Facilities Conference and Expo in Boston, the USGBC Massachusetts Chapter will be sponsoring a number of sessions during the event's two days. One session is T27: Fitwel, as taught by Blake Jackson of Tsoi/Kobus & Associates.

More info:

Health and well-being as an outcome of the built environment have become a major focus across all market sectors. Between 2015 and 2016, two standards were released to help provide guidance to designers to help usher in greater health in the built environment. The first was Delos’ WELL Building Standard, which looked and operated much like a hybrid rating system of LEEDv4 and the Living Building Challenge.

At the same time, the Center for Active Design, a New York City-based non-profit, was developing a simpler, more cost-effective option to WELL: Fitwel. Fitwel is a new standard, which will be ready for release to a general audience in early 2017, which like WELL, marries evidence-based approaches for health and wellbeing with design strategies to help designers and building owners realize these impacts in the built environment. Come learn about this new standard and alternative to WELL, as well as to see where Fitwel fits into a spectrum of possibility for health, wellbeing, and sustainability.

Tuesday, April 4th, 10:00am

Learn more and register here.

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