By Grey Lee

The new Mission Statement of USGBC MA is:

“We drive sustainable and regenerative design, construction, and operation of buildings and communities in Massachusetts”

and, our new Vision Statement is:

“We envision a thriving and diverse community, working together for a built environment that is ecologically, socially and economically healthy, resilient and prosperous for all”

Congratulations to the Strategic Planning Working Group for their efforts to refine months of feedback and wordsmithing. The Chapter will continue to thrive with this new focused language to direct our actions.


The motion was described as follows:

To approve a change of USGBC Massachusetts Chapter Mission and Vision statements from the current single statement: 

Current Mission/Vision Statement: “To promote the design, construction, and operation of sustainable buildings and communities in Massachusetts through education, collaboration, and advocacy, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life.”


the two separate statements below:

Proposed Mission: “We drive sustainable and regenerative design, construction, and operation of buildings and communities in Massachusetts”

Proposed Vision: “We envision a thriving and diverse community, working together for a built environment that is ecologically, socially and economically healthy, resilient and prosperous for all”

Backgound: The Strategic Planning Committee has been working on an update to the existing chapter strategic plan for the last 4 months with 2 strategic planning consultants from ESC. As part of this exercise, the current mission/vision statement of the organization was revisited to ensure it was still valid and still resonated. After a lengthy in-person discussion including the committee, plus Grey, and the two consultants, it was agreed that it should be clarified, simplified, updated, and cleanly divided into separate mission and vision statements. Shawn, Andrea, and Jim continued the work of refining the word choice over email, with several rounds of review with the sub-committee to arrive at the proposed statements.

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