BuildingEnergy Boston Conference, hosted by NESEA

Attend the BuildingEnergy Boston Conference + Trade Show, an event designed by and for practitioners in the fields of high-performance building and design, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. Hosted by the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA), this year’s event is Thursday & Friday, August 13 & 14. The theme of BuildingEnergy Boston 2020 is Transforming Existing Buildings, with additional emphasis on decarbonization and on bringing more diverse communities into the discussion. Register at:

This conference is hosted by the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA), which helps high-performance building and renewable energy professionals improve their practices by learning from and networking with each other. Founded in 1975, it is a member-driven 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the adoption of sustainable energy practices in the built environment. Learn more at