LEED Green Associate Exam Preparation | Green Building Training Program

** “LEED Green Associate Exam Prep” will be hosted virtually. All attendees, regardless of whether or not they are eligible for the Green Building Training Program (GBTP), must register for the course through our Eventbrite page. For GBTP participants, your company’s enrollment in the Commonwealth Workforce Training Fund’s Small Business Direct Access Program (SBDAP) must be verified before you can access the Zoom link – unverified participants will not be let into the meeting. **
About the Class
You and your business may be eligible to take this training for FREE! Learn more about this opportunity at our Green Building Training Program website.
The LEED Exam Prep Course is a comprehensive course which will prepare attendees for the LEED Green Associate. This eight-hour course is designed to cover the segments of the Green Associate Exam. If you have specific questions regarding a specialty exam, feel free to bring these questions to class and the instructor will cover these identified areas.
This is a fast-paced class for real estate professionals, architects, engineers, students, and anyone interested in green building practices and LEED. The majority of attendees have little previous knowledge of the LEED rating system, green building operations, and green building construction. Upon completion of the class, employees will be eligible to sit for the LEED Green Associate exam at a local testing center. Please note that the national office has lowered their student rate to $100–read more at usbgc.org. By passing the exam, employees will earn the LEED Green Associate credential.
The course is divided into the following, one-hour long sessions:
- Introduction – This section will explain the LEED Green Associate credentialing process and serve as an introduction to LEED, sustainability, the USGBC, the GBCI, and the LEED rating system.
- Location and Transportation / Sustainable Sites – Topics include site issues such as connectivity, transportation, erosion, landscaping, and heat island effect.
- Water Efficiency / Energy and Atmosphere – Topics include water issues (plumbing efficiency, irrigation, process water, etc.) and energy and atmosphere issues (demand, efficiency, renewable energy, ozone-depleting substances, etc.).
- Materials and Resources – Topics include procurement and waste diversion.
- Indoor Environmental Quality – Topics include indoor environmental quality issues such as occupant comfort and green cleaning.
- Innovation / Regional Priority / Certification Process – This section will explain the LEED certification process, as well as the Innovation and Regional Priority categories.
- Exam Review – Discussion of exam format and registration and sample exam questions.
- Exam Review – Reviewing sample exam questions.
This course is now funded through the Commonwealth Workforce Training Fund’s Small Business Direct Access Program (SBDAP). If you are a small, Massachusetts-based business that employs 100 people or less, you and your employees may be eligible to take this training session for free! Learn more about this opportunity at our Green Building Training Program website.