POSTPONED: Two-Part Building Energy Modeling Course Part 2 | Green Building Training Program

NOTE: This event is a two-part series. The course is arranged in this way to allow you to practice the energy modeling in between courses:
Class 1: Aug 20th from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Class 2: Sept 3rd from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Introduction to Energy Modeling with eQuest
12 Hour Training presented by Built Environment Plus
Building Energy Modeling is a versatile, multipurpose tool that is used in new building and retrofit design, green
certification, qualification for tax credits and utility incentives. The importance of creating energy models for a
building is growing as we focus on building energy efficiency as a key strategy to fight climate change and global
Learning Objectives:
After completing the course, attendees will be able to:
1) describe how modeling is used as part of an integrative design process
2) construct simple commercial building energy models using eQuest
3) interpret the results of energy models
4) distinguish between design models and validation models
Prerequisites and Target Audience
What will students need to know or do before starting this course?
This is a hands-on, project-based course that will give you the confidence to use energy modeling on your
projects. While there are no specific pre-requisites, knowledge of the building industry and basic building science
will be helpful.
The course will be spread across two days. At the conclusion of day one, attendees will be asked to perform
modeling exercises (aka homework) outside of class, to be completed by the next class session. Each section
will build upon previous work in class. By the end of the class, students will have created, run and QCed an
energy model on a building of their choosing. Along the way, we’ll touch on the uses of energy modeling in an
integrated design process, and some of the standards that apply to energy modeling such as ASHRAE 90.1
Appendix G.
Note that students will need access to a computer with the Windows operating system, and administrative rights
to be able to load the eQuest software.
Detailed Agenda
Day 1
9:30 AM – Start
• Introductions
• Uses of Energy Simulation
• Overview of eQuest
• Intro to Our Project
• Setting up Building Geometry
12:30 – 1PM Lunch Break
• Internal Loads
• HVAC systems
• Energy Targets
• Parametric Runs
4:00 PM – Finished for the Day
Goal for Day 1
1) Download and install eQuest
2) Get a general familiarity with the eQuest interface
3) Set up our Model in Wizard Mode
4) Identify an Energy Target for our project
5) Run Parametics to identify three energy saving strategies
Day 2
9:30 AM – Start
• Recap, Q & A
• Intro to Detailed Mode
• Tips and Tricks
•Creating Code Baseline
12:30 – 1PM Lunch Break
• Working Session
• Modeling Uncommon Systems
• Quality Control
• Wrap up
4:00 PM – Finished for the Day
Goals for Day 2
1) Move into to Detailed Mode
2) Create your Code Baseline
3) QC Your Results
4) Learn some tips and tricks
Green Building Training Program Information
This course is now funded through the Commonwealth Workforce Training Fund’s Small Business Direct Access Program (SBDAP). If you are a small, Massachusetts-based business that employs 100 people or less, you and your employees may be eligible to take this training session for free! Learn more about this opportunity at our Green Building Training Program website.
** This course will be hosted virtually. All attendees, regardless of whether or not they are eligible for the Green Building Training Program (GBTP), must register for the course through our Eventbrite page. For GBTP participants, your company’s enrollment in the Commonwealth Workforce Training Fund’s Small Business Direct Access Program (SBDAP) must be verified before you can access the Zoom link – unverified participants will not be let into the meeting. **