By Grey Lee

The Wentworth Institute of Technology will be a special sponsor present at our Building Tech Forum.  Unlike most groups, who provide useful sustainable services or consulting or who develop and roll-out sustainable goods, Wentworth is a university committed to sustainability and a greener future.  As an incubator of future STEM, business, and political leaders, a college campus must embody these forward-thinking concepts and it is refreshing to see Wentworth so willing and able to promote sustainability. 

From Wentworth's Website:

Sustainability can mean many different things. At Wentworth, our approach to sustainability aspires to improve environmental, social, and economic performance, drawing from the Brundtland Commission’s definition of sustainable development:  development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” 

The Wentworth Creed, which dates back to 1904, echoes this in its principle of Economy, stating, “We seek to use our resources wisely at all times. We accept our obligation to safeguard the earth, its resources, its life, and its energy for the benefit of future generations.”

The mission of the Wentworth Sustainability Committee is to provide leadership for reducing the Institute’s impact on the local, regional, and global environment. We recommend approaches for increasing the Institute's commitment to sustainability in all areas of the campus including materials and energy use, waste management, construction, purchasing, and the campus curriculum while staying within the boundaries of the Institute’s financial resources and good business practices.

The American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment is an essential tool for Wentworth to promote communication and education about sustainability issues and achievements, and to encourage sustainable practices within Wentworth and the neighboring community.

We look forward to seeing Wentworth at the Building Tech Forum!

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