By Grey Lee, Executive Director
Dear USGBC Community Leaders,
As another great year draws to a close this holiday season, I find myself reflecting once again on the remarkable contributions of our grassroots community. With each day, more and more people are recognizing that sustainability is the key to a prosperous and healthy future. Because of your work and commitment, individuals see the USGBC community in their region as the “go-to” leader in green building and sustainable communities.
Ultimate change in the marketplace happens at the grassroots level. As a recognized leader in the USGBC community, your ongoing contributions are essential to the continued advancement of the green building movement. It is through your work—strengthening local partnerships, mobilizing grassroots efforts, and advocating on behalf of green buildings and sustainable communities—that we will achieve our mission of market transformation.
At the United Nations’ 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) buildings were discussed at all levels, from the U.N Framework Convention on Climate Change to various private sector events. I mention this to highlight the fact that, while much of our work is local, our community is part of an international movement and you are a making a difference on a global level. On behalf of everyone at USGBC and green building advocates around the world, I thank you for your invaluable contributions over this past year and offer warm wishes for a joyful holiday and happy New Year.
Rick Fedrizzi
CEO and Founding Chair
U.S. Green Building Council