By Alexander Landa

MIT has always been known for their innovation and scientific prowess, both around Cambridge & Boston and around the world. The MIT Media Lab spinout group, Changing Environments, has made something pretty cool for the greater Boston area – Soofa.

The Soofa bench is solar-powered, and has a charging station for mobile devices as well as the ability to connect to wireless devices. These benches are now in 65 cities in the U.S., such as New York, Los Angeles, and more, and even in other countries like Canada, Costa Rica, Germany, and others.

Boston is a great location for these technologies, such as the Soofa Sign (also solar-powered) that displays public transit times, weather, events, and other city information. If you're around the area and want to see the signs, go to Kendall Square in Cambridge, and Porter Square in Cambridge & Somerville. 

It's thanks to innovative groups like this that are pushing existing technology and cities to become smart cities. The internet of things is a real thing, and it's time to embrace it.

To hear more about the internet of things and smart cities, come to our upcoming Building Tech Forum on February 16th!

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