By Ryan Duffy

Join us Tuesday, May 31st, from 8:30-10:30am for the next installment of our Building Blueprint series.  This round we will introduce the groundbreaking new building standard WELL. We will follow the introductory session with a roundtable discussion. We are excited to welcome professionals from all sectors of the building industry–owners, engineers, builders and occupants interested in the new standard. 


Sign up here to join us for this class. Qualifies for GBCI credit.


We will be watching a segment from the USGBC's Education platform to bring all in the room up to speed on WELL and then having a moderated discussion on the future, impact and evolution of the standard.

This is part of our ongoing effort this year to learn more about green building's newest rigorous building standard. Previous events we've hosted about well featured conversation with owners' reps, architects, and contractors who are considering using the WELL building standard on an actual project – everyone benefited.

Come to this month's presentation to be a part of this exciting new development in the green building movement!

Below, find some information on the WELL content that will be covered: 



The Introduction to the WELL Building Standard presentation provides an overview of the WELL Building Standard ideology, structure, and certification process. The medical basis for the concept categories is introduced along with design and construction strategies to create healthy buildings. The time has come to elevate human health and comfort to the forefront of building practices and reinvent buildings that are not only better for the planet—but also for people. This presentation will introduce how to do this using the WELL Building Standard as the framework.


  1. Articulate the financial, societal, and environmental benefits of WELL certification
  2. Identify the role of the International Well Building Institute and the WELL Building Standard
  3. Recognize the structure of the WELL Building Standard
  4. Explain the 7 concepts of the WELL Building standard, the strategies to achieve them, and the health impacts they address
  5. Summarize the certification process of the WELL Building Standard

The event will be at 50 Milk St, 18th Floor- “Hemingway” Room, Boston, MA 02109. Register here and find more about WELL here!

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