By Derek Newberry, Advocacy Fellow
Alyson Fletcher, an Associate at Nelson/Nygaard, discussed best practices for sustainable transportation, and prompted the audience to think of the vested interests of people using each mode of transportation. Alyson detailed the best (and worst) practices in the Boston area and nation-wide. These myriad concepts include complete streets, sustainable parking policies, downtown and regional mobility, transit-oriented development and transportation demand management.Ā
Carrie Harvey, Project Manager with The Green Engineer, Inc., elaborated on the LEED v4 Location and Transportation (LT) credits. She walked us through these new credit categories, shared helpful tips for documenting credits and gave creative options for developers. The audience followed up the presentations by brainstorming about potential improvements in future LEED versions…and then had a chuckle about not wanting to go through a LEED updating process any time soon!
Next month: Go Green to Save Green!
Our next Green Breakfast will be onĀ 10/22 at 8:30am, featuring Jerome Garciano, a USGBC Board Member and attorney in the Robinson & Cole LLP's Real Estate Group. He will explain tax rebates and incentives for renewable and energy efficiency projects. Register today and join the Club!Ā
Green Breakfast Club is always a great way to meet fellow professionals in our industry and learn about an important aspect of green building.
More About the Presenters:
Carrie Havey is a Project Manager with The Green Engineer, Inc. (one our USGBC MA's Sponsoring Partners),Ā and has over fourteen years of experience in the fields of planning, landscape architecture, and sustainable design. As a project manager, she works with development and design teams from the visioning stage through construction completion, managing the LEED certification process and providing sustainable design guidance. Carrie is on the USGBC Massachusetts Board of Directors, is a member of the Collaborative for High Performance Schools Operations and Metrics Subcommittee, and is a member of the USGBC Location and Transportation Technical Advisory Group.
With a background in landscape architecture and architecture, Alyson Fletcher brings an interdisciplinary approach to transportation planning. She has specific expertise in multimodal, parking, and transportation demand projects as well as drafting designs for improved intersections and streetscape facilities. Before joining NelsonNygaard as a transportation planner, Alyson was an intern on the Neighborhood Bikeways Campaign at the Active Transportation Alliance in Chicago and a Public Landscape Design and Management Intern at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society in Philadelphia.