By Celis Brisbin, Programs Manager
All fifteen, 10th grade environmental studies students participated in the Green Apple Day of Service, which focused on energy. The service project actually lasted over the course of 6 days in November, as they completed the project during their class from 8-9 every morning. The service project culminated in 2 different products: 1) a display of power station to light bulb for the middle school, 2) an energy audit of the building with plans for reduction, and 3) smart strips
Day 1: The service project started off learning about what energy is. They learned about solar, chemical, thermal, mechanical and electrical through a varietyof different hands-on activities. They then honed in on electricity and spent the rest of the class building and learning about how circuits work and how electricity flows.
Day 2: The students then researched how electricity gets from the power station to the lights in the home. They then chose one of the system parts (example: high voltage lines, power station, low voltage lines) and created a large visual of this part.
Day 3: Students continued to work on their art project and wrote a blurb explaining what function this part of the system served.
Day 4: Students learned about what is usually burned in a power station (fossil fuels) and learned through fun, hands-on activities how fossil fuels are made.
Day 5: Through a variety of experiments students learned what happens when you burn fossil fuels. Specifically, they learned what carbon dioxide is and why excess carbon dioxide is harmful.
Day 6: Students did an energy audit of the school, looking for areas in the school that are wasting electricity. They will soon purchase Smart Strips for their classrooms and teach their teacher about how to use it. In addition, this audit will be used by the 7th grade during their Green Apple Day of Service when they will make signs for the school reminding us to save electricity.