By Alexander Landa, Outreach and Communications Manager

If you didn't get the chance to join us on Tuesday, September 27th, then you missed a great presentation on Energy Codes. In this course lead by Chris Schaffner, LEED Fellow and founder and President of The Green Engineer Inc., the morning was engaging and informative, enlightening those who attended to become more aware about MA's new energy code.

The state's new energy codes maintain the state's leadership position on building energy codes, and also re-aligns the Stretch Energy Code with the Base Code, simplifying the situation in Stretch Code Communities. This is important for professionals in the green building industry, so you can become update with the changes for commercial buildings, and the pros/cons of compliance options.

Of course, USGBC MA's devotion to education won't stop here. In the future, we will be holding more events similar to this!

If you're interested in emerging practices to get you ahead of the game, our Healthy Materials Summit is only a month away. Also in October, we will be holding an educational session with EnerNOC to go over details regarding renewable energy.

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