By Allison Maynard, Communications Associate
Already a LEED Green Associate or Accredited Professional? Invite a friend or colleague who still needs their accreditation!
The full day comprehensive course covers the following topics:
Chapter #1 – Introduction
This 1-hour chapter will explain the LEED Green Associate credentialing process and serve as an introduction to LEED, sustainability, the USGBC, the GBCI and the LEED rating system.
Chapter #2 – Location and Transportation / Sustainable Sites
This 1-hour chapter will focus on site issues such as connectivity, transportation, erosion, landscaping, and heat island effect.
Chapter #3 – Water Efficiency / Energy and Atmosphere
This 1-hour chapter will focus on water issues (plumbing efficiency, irrigation, process water, etc.) and energy and atmosphere issues (demand, efficiency, renewable energy, ozone depleting substances, etc.)
Chapter #4 – Materials and Resources
This 1-hour chapter will focus on procurement and waste diversion.
Chapter #5 – Indoor Environmental Quality
This 1-hour chapter will focus on indoor environmental quality issues such as indoor air quality, occupant comfort and green cleaning.
Chapter #6 – Innovation / Regional Priority / Certification Process
This 1-hour chapter will explain the LEED certification process and the Innovation and Regional Priority categories.
Chapter #7 – Exam Review
This 1-hour chapter will focus on exam format and registration and strategies to pass the exam.
Chapter #8 – Exam Review
This 1-hour chapter will focus on sample exam questions.