By Grey Lee

On Thursday 2/20/14, the Board of Directors of the USGBC MA Chapter elected, through the consensus-based process of Dynamic Governance, a new slate of officers. 


  • New Chair of the Board: Jim Newman (Linnean Solutions)
  • Continuing Vice Chair: Neil Angus (Devens Enterprise Commission)
  • Continuing Secretary: Sandy Brock (Nitsch Engineering)
  • New Treasurer: Carolyn Day (DBA-W Architects)
  • and new representative to the Upper Northeast Regional Council: Conor McGuire (Columbia Construction)
  • Greg Sampson (Robinson & Cole) will remain on the Executive Committee as Past Chair
Thank you to the departing officers: Phoebe Beierle who is stepping down as Past Chair to take on the Green Apple Day of Service subcommittee of the Green Schools Committee and Emily Greenstein, who is leaving us to pursue other interests beyond green buildings after having served us as an amazing Treasurer for the past 6 years. Thank you Phoebe and thank you especially to Emily for your major contribution in time and effort to get this organization off the ground and into an established 501c3. You've done a truly outstanding job for the USGBC MA!
Some of the new officers shared their thoughts about the new group, which will form the Executive Committee of the Board for 2014.
From Carolyn Day: “I believe in the organizational mission so I decided to get involved at the early stages. The Chapter is the organization bringing people together for cross-pollination of knowledge and ideas in order to elevate the level of sustainable design happening in the commonwealth and beyond. This year I look forward to greater engagement from a more diverse membership, and extending our reach.”

From Conor McGuire: “I’m looking forward to learning from our USGBC Chapter Members so I can best represent our Massachusetts values and progress to the Upper Northeast Regional Committee and USGBC National.  See you all at our Networking & Educational events, and Award Ceremonies!”
Congratulations and thank you!  I look forward to working with you all. Chapter Members: feel free to reach out and send them your best wishes. Thank you.

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