By Celis Brisbin, Programs Manager

Today, Mexico's architects, construction firms, energy companies, city planners, enterprises and politicians are working together to create the sustainable cities of tomorrow.
Mexico is the home to 139 LEED-certified and 460 LEED-registered projects, totaling 13,168,705 gross square meters of space. From hospitality to retail, whether single projects or those using LEED volume certification, the projects in Mexico represent the diversity and breadth inherent in LEED.
Check out a few of Mexico's most impressive projects below.
HSBC Tower, Mexico City, Mexico, LEED Gold
HSBC Tower, designed by Bioconstruccion y Energia Alternativa (BEA), obtained the first LEED Gold certification for New Construction and became the second certified project in the country. With 34 levels, a heliport, 12 parking garages, and 2 basements, HSBC Tower is a massive steel structure located in the heart of Mexico City. HSBC Tower unleashed the LEED certified buildings trend in the city's Economic District. Its innovative measures resulted in a reduction of water use by 76% and energy consumption by 25%. With 3,000 people using the building full-time, the tower provides occupants with 144 bike stations, 18 showers and dressing rooms, and a green roof space to relax.
Bioconstruccion 347, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, LEED Platinum
As the headquarters for the LEED-pioneer consulting firm, Bioconstruccion y Energia Alternativa (BEA), Bioconstruccion347 promotes the company's green building services and commitment to abetter-built environment by being the first LEED for New Construction Platinum certified office space in Latin America. BEA reused 75% of the building'swalls, floors and roof, and 50% of interior nonstructural elements. Thebuilding also operates on energy powered by solar panels and a wind turbine. These innovative green technologies draw people in on a regular basis for guided open tours of the facility. BEA has more than 15 years of experience designing greener buildings.
Universidad Del Arte, Puebla, Mexico, LEED Platinum
UNARTE was designed by AKF Group with its campus' commitments to education and art in mind. Located in a pre-existing campus parking lot, the building took on a stack architectural approach in order to restore the area's original topography. By including native vegetation and a rainwater infiltration system, UNARTE harvests, reuses and treats 100% of its rainwater. Its natural aesthetic is due to its 'origami' layout where the structure folds and unfolds into different rooms and edifices. Inside, UNARTE's design promotes natural lighting and ventilation in order to create an atmosphere necessary for a productive workspace.
Read LEED in Motion: Mexico to discover more projects