BE+ Community Blog

Women In Green Recap: What’s Your Superpower?

Women In Green Recap: What’s Your Superpower?

The following recap of our 2021 Women In Green gathering was contributed by Allison Zuchman, chair of the BE+ Women In Green Roundtable, and Senior Sustainability Consultant at The Green Engineer. We invite you to check out the Zoom recording as well as the Miro board...

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Our 2021 Green Building Showcase Winners!

Our 2021 Green Building Showcase Winners!

The Wait was Worth It! After two long years apart, the Built Environment Plus community was able to reunite for the 2021 Green Building Showcase. This community works so hard to advance sustainable and regenerative design, construction, and operation of the built...

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Welcome Summer 2021 Interns!

Join us in welcoming our Summer 2021 intern team! We are excited to have them with us to help drive forward our mission. With them joining, there is such great momentum moving us into this summer, and we can’t wait to see how much we get accomplished together. We are...

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EMPA Event Recap: Virtual Summer Picnic

Written by Kiersten Washle[responsivevoice_button voice="US English Female" buttontext="Listen to Post"] The evening of July 9th everyone gathered round their computers to enjoy a virtual summer picnic with several guest speakers to discuss ideas around the theme of...

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EPMA Presentation Recap: Prefab Architecture

Written by Oliver Bautista and Lindsey Machamer Oliver presents on Prefab Architecture during November's Emerging Professionals of Massachusetts meeting. [responsivevoice_button voice="US English Female" buttontext="Listen to Post"] With the October presentation we...

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EPMA Event Recap: The Power of Networking

Written by Kavita Karmarkar Attendees take notes while Julie goes over networking tips. [responsivevoice_button voice="US English Female" buttontext="Listen to Post"] On November 21, EPMA organized a fireside chat event--‘The Power of Networking’, as part of EPMA’s...

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