This Week’s New Green Building Showcase Sponsors: National Grid, View Dynamic Glass, and Suffolk Construction

By Allison Maynard, Communications Associate

We are excited to welcome gold level sponsors National Grid, View Dynamic Glass, Suffolk Construction to our quickly growing list of Green Building Showcase 2015 supporters and presenters. This week's collection of sponsors includes an international energy company, an innovative architectural glass company, and a smart-building construction company. A dedication to innovation and sustainability in theory and in practice is what unites this variety of companies, and their best projects will be on display along with over 75 others in just a few weeks.


Join the Showcase as a sponsor for an incredible media, marketing, and networking opportunity. More details of sponsorship are available here, and if you would like to attend to view these projects and meet their creators you can register here.


Silver Sponsorship Package $795

  • 2 tickets to the event
  • Entry of one Board into the Showcase
  • Detailed project story and picture in event program
  • 1/2 page color ad in event program that will receive distribution to New England Real Estate Journal’s 20,000+ readers
  • Logo on all pre-event marketing material and social media promotion
  • Logo on event signs as Silver Sponsor

Gold Sponsor Package $1995

  • 4 tickets to the event
  • Entry of up to three Boards into the Showcase
  • Project story and picture in event program
  • Full page color ad in event program that will receive distribution to New England Real Estate Journal’s 20,000+ readers
  • Logo on all pre-event marketing material and social media promotion
  • Logo on event signs as Gold Sponsor
  • Reserved table at the event for your firm and its guests
  • After the event you will receive a list of attendees
  • Company Picture with your firm's project boards


Vote for your favorite MIT Green Buildings Solution!

By Celis Brisbin, Programs Manager

Green Building Community, 


I hope that you all are enjoying a well deserved Labor Day weekend! If you have not heard, the MIT Climate Colab is in its final week of public voting and the buildings category has a few ideas which could be a catalyst to the green building mission. One of the final ideas, Open Control Building, has been a project that I have been working on with Alec Danaher and Scott Balboni, both members of the USGBC MA! The idea is to use a third party to temporarily turn off your smart electric device for a period of time, while power plants rev up. This is called demand response and there is a commercial market for this and rate payer can make money this way. The idea allows residential home energy management systems like the Nest, and EV chargers to tie into the program and increase impact/revenue. 
There is a more robust explanation below via link. Your support would really help. Please forward to your network if you would like to share the idea and support. Please vote!…

Thanks and have a nice weekend,





Buildings consume more than 39% of all energy consumed in the U.S. each year. More stringent building energy codes and advances in lighting and HVAC technologies have reduced the energy use intensity of buildings. A study by the EIA indicated that new homes built after the year 2000 are on average 30% larger than homes built before the year 2000, but use only about 2% more energy (EIA, 2013). Energy Used in Buildings

As construction standards improve and more efficient equipment is installed in homes, additional savings must come from improving the way we control the energy-consuming equipment in the home. Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) can optimize the energy use within a home by coordinating the timing of lighting and HVAC systems, as well as an increasing number of “smart” devices. Additionally, HEMS systems can benefit both homeowners and grid operators by increasing the ease and compliance with demand response events.

One of the primary challenges of implementing a HEMS system is the upfront cost to purchase and install the equipment. Additionally, the large variety of technologies on the market can create choice paralysis that makes it difficult for consumers to select and implement a system for fear that they are betting on a system that will not integrate with future technologies.

We propose promoting the widespread implementation of Home Energy Management Systems by providing simple systems at no cost to homeowners in exchange for their participation in automated demand response events. We will install a smart thermostat and a few simple controls in homes and provide homeowners with a secure platform to integrate our controls with other smart devices they may have in their home. Homeowners will then have the nucleus of a HEMS system – provided free of charge – to which they can then add additional components to outfit their smart home. 




Meet our Members: Kimberly Le

By Allison Maynard, Communications Associate

Our Chapter Member Kimberly Le is Chair of the Residential Green Building Committee. She organizes and leads fun and engaging monthly meetings where learning and exchanges of ideas, concepts, and experiences within green buildings are discussed and practiced. She enjoys collaborating and being around like minded people that share similar passions and goals, and it brings her a sense of community and belonging to a group that is working to make miracles. USGBC acts as an extension of herself coupled with her goals. They provide many opportunities to network with the professional movers and shakers within Green Building in Massachusetts. 

She is also currently a Senior Solar Advisor at EnergySage and has worked in solar since 2012. At EnergySage, they help people shop for solar using an apples-to-apples comparison tool through their online marketplace. They provide educational content on their site to make shopping for solar as simple and easy as possible for end consumers, residential, commercial, and non-profits alike. She is an active and licensed Realtor along with her GREEN Designation.

Don't miss the Green Building Bike Tour

By Celis Brisbin, Programs Manager

Do not miss the Bike Tour! 

Our Emerging Professionals sure know how to have fun and this is going to be an insightful event. If you have not yet registered, do it now! Space is limited. We will be starting at Inman Square and heading south. Boston University (BU) will be providing a tour of their LEED certified buildings and so will the five other buildings on the circuit. It will also be a great opportunity for students studying green buildings to meet green building practitioners. Please invite your friends, family and co-workers and don't forget to register them too!



1.       BU Student Center

2.       Boston Harbor Islands Pavilion 

3.       Converse Corporate HQ

4.       Education First Building North Point Park

5.       22 Water Street

6.       Converse Store (LEED CI) in Assembly Square



The fun doesn't stop at the last stop, there may be a socializing session after! We hope you can join us for this FREE for members event. Thank you to the EPMA team and Steven Burke specifically for organizing this event.

Memories from a 2014 Green Building Showcase!

By Celis Brisbin, Programs Manager

InnovationPerformance  |  Display  |  Sponsor  |  ATTEND

Believe it or not, the 2014 Showcase was a year ago. Click on the photos below to recount the event. There are many familiar faces and it only builds excitement for this year. We are looking forward to exceed 2014's 75 boards, 200 invitees and awards this year, to make the best Green Building Showcase in Chapter history. We know that you have been working on and hearing about innovative and high performing buildings all year. This is your opportunity to see them all in the same place and connect with the people behind the projects. 

If you are interested in sharing a building, product, or service, take a look at the “Display” of “Innovation” links above. If you have a high performing building with at least one year's worth of energy data, click on the “Performance” link to learn more about our award for high performing buildings. 

Space is limited and tickets are selling fast. Thank you to all who have taken advantage of the early-bird discount. The event will be hosted with an open bar and a generous assortment of appetizers at the Harvard Art Museums. 


Pre-Greenbuild Workshop with the Green Engineer

By Celis Brisbin, Programs Manager





Pre-Greenbuild Workshop: Successful Energy Modeling for LEED Project


Our Sponsoring members and supporters at the Green Engineer are offering this great opportunity for our community of green building practitioners working on green buildings and energy modeling. Our friends at The Green Engineer, (special shout out to Chris, Marie, Carrie and Matt) are leading the charge with energy modeling and this is a great way to connect with the vanguard.

Want to know the secret to successful energy modeling for LEED? Register for our full day education workshop at the Greenbuild Expo this fall.  

Workshop Details

This is an intermediate level course and attendees should have energy modeling experience on at least one LEED project.  The workshop goals are fourfold:

  1. You’ll have a more detailed understanding of the prevailing simulation tools, their capabilities, limitations and how (or when) to use them based on your project type.  Supporting calculation tools will also be provided, streamlining your workflow.
  2. You’ll have a better understanding of the energy code (ASHRAE 90.1) and the critical parameters that have a significant impact on energy performance.  This will help you avoid “surprise” changes to your baseline that adversely affect energy results.
  3. You’ll have a better understanding of the LEED review process and documentation requirements.  This will help you cut the amount of time spent on costly post-review model updates.
  4. Implement the new modeling requirements in LEED V4 including ASHRAE 90.1- 2010 updates.

Specific topics include: “What’s new in v4; Generating custom performance curves” and many others – see the full list on the registration page. You can also contact The Green Engineer if you have specific questions about the content.

The workshop will be held on Tuesday, November 17th.  Seating is limited so register early.  Full day workshop pricing starts at $250.  This workshop is worth 7 hours of continuing education credit.     

See you there!


Our Latest Green Building Showcase Sponsors: Touloukian Touloukian Inc. and Tsoi Kobus & Associates Inc.

By Celis Brisbin, Programs Manager

 We are pleased to share that our latest sponsors for the Green Building Showcase are Touloukian Touloukian Architecture and Tsoi Kobus Architecture. The two architecture firms are honored to support the green building mission in the Commonwealth as well as share some of the work that they have done recently in the sector. Our Sponsorship Packages are a great deal for firms who are interested in the media, marketing and networking available through sponsorship. The Green Building Showcase is the premiere Green Building event of the year, be a part of it. More information on sponsorship is available here and to attend, here


Silver Sponsorship Package $795

  • 2 tickets to the event
  • Entry of one Board into the Showcase
  • Detailed project story and picture in event program
  • 1/2 page color ad in event program that will receive distribution to New England Real Estate Journal’s 20,000+ readers
  • Logo on all pre-event marketing material and social media promotion
  • Logo on event signs as Silver Sponsor

Gold Sponsor Package $1995

  • 4 tickets to the event
  • Entry of up to three Boards into the Showcase
  • Project story and picture in event program
  • Full page color ad in event program that will receive distribution to New England Real Estate Journal’s 20,000+ readers
  • Logo on all pre-event marketing material and social media promotion
  • Logo on event signs as Gold Sponsor
  • Reserved table at the event for your firm and its guests
  • After the event you will receive a list of attendees
  • Company Picture with your firm's project boards

There is still time: Green Apple Day of Service

By Celis Brisbin, Programs Manager



Educators and Community Partners!

The Massachusetts Chapter is looking forward to what will be the largest Day of Service in Chapter history! We are delighted to share that the majority of Green Apple Day of Service hosts have been matched with sponsors through our mini-grant program. We still have a few openings for energy effiency projects, so if you have a project in mind, please submit it here. We have great support from kindergardeners to Law Students at Suffolk. 

Green Apple Day of Service 2015

One quarter of Americans pass through a school on a given school day. Here at the the USGBC MA we are committed to green buildings and the savings, health and financial benefits which come with green design. The Green Apple Day of Service, Sept. 26, 2015, will bring together thousands of students, teachers, parents and community leaders from around the globe to improve our school environments through service projects, education, community events and more. Our vast network of champions will demonstrate the strength and breadth of our movement, leaving a meaningful and lasting local impact on our world’s schools.



Where We Learn Matters


If your organization would like to join our group of sponsors in supporting the Day of Service, please find more information here and email


Check out our Handy Guide for Host Sites – this is a cheat sheet of programs that you can easily organize and implement at your school to create a memorable and meaningful service project this fall.


Click here to register a project and apply for one of our mini grants.

Looking back at last year, on Sept. 27, 2014, the Green Apple Day of Service brought together thousands of students, teachers, parents and community leaders from around the globe to improve our school environments through service projects, education, community events and more.
Our vast network of champions demonstrated the strength and breadth of our movement, leaving a meaningful and lasting local impact on our world’s schools. In the Commonwealth, more than 38 locations showed their dedication to making their schools a better place to learn. On a larger scale, hundreds of thousands of volunteers participated in more than 3,700 events and projects—and took meaningful steps to change where students learn, in all 50 U.S. states and in 42 countries.




When you look at our educational spaces, you see outdated buildings in need of repairs, burdened with hidden unsafe toxics, dwindling budgets and outdated resources – in place of opportunity and progress. The Green Apple Day of Service enables volunteers to transform all learning environments into safe, engaging and comfortable facilities that enhance kids' ability to learn and teachers' ability to teach.



Program Overview

The USGBC MA Chapter and the National Center for Green Schools is inviting communities to take action on campuses around the world for the fourth annual Green Apple Day of Service, September 26, 2015. On this day, we are encouraging K-12 and College/University students, teachers, and administrators to devise a school sustainability project, and work with community volunteers, to create positive environmental change. USGBC MA is also inviting professional members of the green building community to serve as volunteer mentors for each project. Mentors will provide planning support, and work with schools to prepare successful one day or a year long project through the Green YOUR School competition.

Projects and Process

Each participating school will identify a low or no cost project that fulfills an unmet environmental need, and submit an application. Schools may propose a wide variety of projects — from planting school gardens, collaborating on clean-ups, developing recycling programs, performing energy and/or water audits — or they may customize a project to meet local goals.

Schools identify a service project (see examples below):

Tell us about your project, click here to register.

Download our project invitation letter that you can share with your colleagues here


Now Recruiting

Schools: click here to register
Volunteers and Mentors: You can find a school in your area register them with the link above. 
Sponsors: If your company is interested in becoming a Massachusetts Green Apple Day of Service Sponsor please make a donation HERE or contact the chapter office.



Road To Greenbuild!

By Celis Brisbin, Programs Manager


The Greenbuild International Conference and Expo is coming to Washington, DC, this November. In recognition of Washington's status as a world leader in green building and to showcase the city as a premiere location for Greenbuild, we present a multimedia tour through some of DC's most iconic locations and LEED certified spaces.

Starting in Ward 8, we spotlight the new William O. Lockridge/Bellevue Neighborhood Library, which was certified LEED Gold for New Construction in January 2013. After that we move north to showcase an educational non-profit, a 363,000 square foot LEED Platinum government agency headquarters, and a building in the heart of Chinatown whose tenants serve the community and beyond. The tour continues with one of the greenest schools in the nation, the first LEED certified embassy, an iconic capital hill landmark and more.

We hope you enjoy this journey through our nation's capital and hope to see you at Greenbuild 2015.

Learn more about Greenbuild