By Alexander Landa

We invite you to join Amanda Sturgeon and ILFI's Boston Collaborative for drinks and appetizers at our pre-ABX reception. Amanda will give a brief overview of the Living Building Challenge (LBC) and be available to answer questions. Amanda's overview is especially timely with the recent rollout of the new 3.1 Standard

In this exciting time of rapidly increasing innovation, the LBC continues to raise the bar and lead the way in regenerative design. This is your opportunity to hear directly from Amanda and network with other green professionals!

Amanda has been with the International Living Future Institute for over 5 years, initially overseeing the programs, then as Executive Director and now as CEO. She joined the Institute following a career as a licensed architect with fifteen years experience designing and managing some of the most sustainable buildings in the Pacific Northwest. Amanda was a founding board member of the Cascadia Region Green Building Council and a recent board member of AIA Seattle. Amanda was elected as a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects in 2013 and a LEED Fellow later the same year in recognition for her extensive advocacy and volunteer service to the green building movement. She was named as one of the top ten most powerful women in sustainability in 2015 as a recipient of the Women in Sustainability Leadership Award.

Register for this Pre-Mixer here

Skanska Boston Headquarters
101 Seaport Blvd
Boston, MA, 02210

The Massachusetts USGBC Chapter is hosting multiple sessions at ABX! Please see here to find out what sessions we're involved in, and to register for any that interest you.

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