By Alexander Landa
Coming up November 15th to 17th will be ABX 2016! As part of the Northeast's largest building industry conference and tradeshow, Architecture Boston Expo, the USGBC MA Chapter will be sponsoring multiple panels this year. This year, we're hosting multiple panels, so let's take a look Wednesday's panel, B25: Transforming Inertia.
There is a huge opportunity for practitioners to learn how to change firm culture and overcome inertia in order to pursue sustainability in their projects. The presentation will cover the insight of those outside of a firm but working on this issue with firms, as well as the perspectives of those in an architecture and engineering firm. The client just cares about cost. The principal isn't really interested in integration. Half the project team has bought into sustainability and health goals, and half hasn't. We hear the same complaints from even the most progressive designers year after year. In this session, we'll identify and then design the behaviors and processes that we actually want. Not just another session about integrated design (“won't work here”) or trickery (“what's this broccoli doing in my chocolate?”), you'll go home with specific, easy, fun, collaborative, momentum-building wins for your practice.
Barbra Batshalom LEED AP, BD+C Founder & CEO Sustainable Performance Institute
Jacob Knowles LEED AP Director of Sustainable Design BR+A Consulting Engineers
Andrea Love AIA, LEED Fellow Director of Building Science Payette
B25: Transforming Inertia
Wednesday, 11/16
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Room 109A