Your Community. Your Projects. Your Showcase.

Integrated Sciences Complex at UMASS Boston
Thursday, October 25, 2018 from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM – Add to Calendar

The USGBC MA community works hard to advance sustainable and regenerative design, construction, and operation of the built environment. Once a year, we gather to celebrate industry success and innovation at USGBC MA’s Green Building Showcase (GBS ‘18).

At GBS ‘18, community members celebrate the best efforts, designs, and products in the Commonwealth. Join us for a night of project boards, short presentations, discussions, and awards. This year’s event has a projected attendance of 300 participants and 150 project boards.

Attendees include architects, engineers, contractors, developers, owners, facility managers, building users, lenders, suppliers…everyone who plays a role in designing, operating and constructing the built environment. Join us in celebrating our community’s accomplishments over cocktails and appetizers.

Meet our 2018 Sponsors

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Check out photos from last year

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