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August 14th, from 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Le Meridien Cambridge-MIT – 20 Sidney Street, Cambridge, MA, 02139

In 2018, the World Green Building Council reported that buildings designed for occupant wellness reported healthier, happier, and more productive employees. One Harvard University study even found that better air quality in office environments was linked with higher cognitive function in occupants.

The data shows that healthy buildings are not a frivolous expense. In fact, they can directly improve the bottom line of many organizations. Yet from Health Product Declarations (HPD) to Red Lists, WELL to FitWell, and LEED to the Living Building Challenge, the avenues for pursuing healthy buildings for your occupants can be overwhelming.

We want to empower you with healthy building strategies so that the people who occupy your buildings, as your employees, your tenants, or your clients can be productive and feel great in an optimal working environment.

For our Healthy Building Summit, we have gathered an expert panel from top corporations and institutions. Join us for a hot breakfast and converse with your colleagues about healthy buildings. Afterwards, our panel will spearhead a discussion, engaging the audience with provocative questions and information on the science and engineering of healthy buildings.


7:30–8:30 – breakfast and networking
8:30–9:30 – Kickoff Presentations from the Panel
9:30–10:15 – Roundtable Discussions
10:15–10:30 – Break
10:30 – Panel Responses to Roundtable Provocations
11:00–11:30 – Whole-Room Moderated Conversation
11:30–12:00 – Networking

Healthy Building Summit Sponsors

Meet our Presenters

Nadav Malin - Moderator

Nadav Malin - Moderator

President, BuildingGreen

Nadav is the building industry’s acknowledged go-to resource when you need a thoughtful perspective on the materials and design solutions that define sustainable building practice. He is an experienced trainer and facilitator, convening the network of architecture firm Sustainable Design Leaders and teaching diverse groups about LEED and green building. He consults and leads workshops for major corporations, not-for-profit organizations, and design firms. He is a LEED Fellow and Honorary AIA.
Heather Henriksen

Heather Henriksen

Managing Director, Harvard University Office for Sustainability

Heather Henriksen has served as Harvard University’s chief sustainability officer since 2008, advising the President and senior leadership on strategy and building an organizational change initiative that resulted in the University community achieving its initial science-based climate goal of a 30% reduction in net greenhouse gas emissions, from 2006 to 2016, despite the addition of over 3 million square feet of space. Heather directs the Office for Sustainability which oversees the implementation of the Harvard’s comprehensive Sustainability Plan (co-created with faculty and students in 2014) and the University’s ambitious new Climate Action Plan, announced by President Drew Faust, which sets bold targets to transform campus operations to be fossil fuel-free by 2050 and fossil fuel-neutral by 2026.
George Bandy

George Bandy

Vice President of Sustainability and Commercial Marketing, Mohawk

George provides substantial knowledge of the concepts and practices of sustainability. He believes that looking at opportunities to position environmental, economic and socially responsible solutions for customers can set the standard for other businesses to follow that will result in a brighter future for us all. George is a dynamic speaker that shares the vision for a sustainable future; covering such topics as: The Business Case for Sustainability, Health and Wellness, Innovation and Smart Design, Greening the Supply Chain, Social Sustainability, Marketing for 2020 Minds and Culture Change. In addition to his duties at Mohawk, George is the former Chairman of the Board at the United States Green Building Council (USGBC).
Monica Nakielski

Monica Nakielski

Director, Sustainability and Environmental Health, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

Monica Nakielski, of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, is one of the professionals responsible for providing leadership and vision for the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts sustainability and environmental health strategy. Nakielski earned her MBA from the Simmons School of Management and a B.S. in Medical Microbiology and Immunology from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Her most recent work has been advocating for positive impact on the environment, health, and climate within hospitals and the medical industry. Prior to the Blue Cross Blue Shield, she was the senior program manager for Partners Healthcare developing sustainable initiatives for 16 medical facilities.
Jeff Hyman

Jeff Hyman

Associate Director, Environment Health & Safety US at EMD Serono, Inc.

Jeffrey Hyman is the Environment Health and Safety Associate Director at EMD Serono, Inc. With his strong track record of over 30 years of experience in Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical operations, he is passionate about promoting, protecting and securing the well-being of people. Working at EMD Serono for over 28 years, he and his team are supporting over 1,300 nationally, providing opportunities to create secure and safe work cultures in the industry.

Get your tickets while they last!

Sponsor a Table

At USGBC MA’s Healthy Building Summit, we will empower building owners and stakeholders to increase their knowledge of healthy building materials and products. We have gathered an expert panel of healthy building’s best from top universities and companies. The event will start off with breakfast and coffee followed by our panel of top influencers.

Sponsoring a table at our Healthy Buildings Summit grants you front seat access to leaders within our network. When you sponsor a table, the seats are yours – you can give them to clients, employees, friends, and anyone else you would like to invite. It’s a great chance to not only connect and educate your colleagues with the latest and greatest in healthy building, but also to showcase your leadership in front of our community. For more information about sponsorship, contact Emily Kingston at ekingston@usgbcma.org, or write a message below. Download a copy of this here.

Contact us for more information about sponsorship

Interested in Sharing our Healthy Building Summit?

You can use our pre-written content below for sharing. We also regularly work with media partners, contact james@usgbcma.org for more information. You can download a PDF of this here. 

General Event Information

Media Inquiries and Contact: James Robe, Outreach and Communication Manager, USGBC MA
Email – james@usgbcma.org
Phone – 617-752-2422

Event Description
Healthy buildings foster healthier, happier, and more productive employees, making occupant health part of a business’s financial bottom line. Yet from WELL to FitWell and LEED to the Living Building Challenge, the avenues for pursuing healthy buildings for your occupants can be overwhelming.

USGBC MA wants to help by empowering building owners to create the best environment for their occupants at their Healthy Building Summit on August 14th. At the event, participants will enjoy a hot breakfast followed by an expert panel that will explore provocative questions and information on the science and engineering of healthy buildings.

Meet the Panelists
Nadav Malin, President of BuildingGreen
Heather Henriksen, Managing Director, Harvard Office for Sustainability
George Bandy, Vice President of Sustainability and Commercial Marketing, Mohawk
Monica Nakielski, Director, Sustainability and Environmental Health, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Jeff Hyman, Associate Director, Environment Health & Safety US at EMD Serono, Inc.

The Healthy Building Summit will take place on August 14th, 2018, from 7:30 AM – Noon at Le Meridien Cambridge-MIT. To learn more or register, visit usgbcma.org/hbs18.

Suggested Social Media

@usgbcma @GreenHarvard @bglive @MohawkFlooring @BCBSMA @EMDSerono #HealthyBuildingSummit

Healthy building is not a luxury, it is the bottom line. Need convincing? Explore #healthybuilding science w/ panelists from @GreenHarvard @bglive @MohawkFlooring @BCBSMA @EMDSerono at @USGBCMA ‘s #HealthyBuildingSummit on Aug 14th from 7:30 AM – Noon. usgbcma.org/hbs18

From @USGBC #LEED to @Living_Future #LivingBuildingChallenge, there are tons of options for #healthybuilding! Attend @USGBCMA ‘s #HealthyBuildingSummit w/ panelist from @GreenHarvard @bglive @MohawkFlooring @BCBSMA @EMDSerono. Aug 14 at 7:30 AM – usgbcma.org/hbs18

Want healthy, happy + more productive employees? Learn how at USGBCMA ‘s #HealthyBuildingSummit on Aug 14th at 7:30 AM. Panelists from @GreenHarvard @bglive @MohawkFlooring @BCBSMA @EMDSerono will explore healthy building science over breakfast – usgbcma.org/hbs18

@usgbcma @myemdserono @greenharvard @mohawkflooring @BCBSMA @bgsocial

Healthy buildings foster healthier, happier, and more productive occupants. Yet from building standards to healthy product declarations, the options for pursuing healthy buildings for your occupants can be overwhelming.

@USGBCMA wants to help you provide the best experience for your building occupants at their Healthy Building Summit August 14th from 7:30 AM. Panelists from @myemdserono @greenharvard @mohawkflooring @BCBSMA @bgsocial will guide you through healthy building science over a hot breakfast. Seats are limited, visit usgbcma.org/hbs18 to learn more.

Newsletter Invite or LinkedIn

Healthy buildings foster healthier, happier, and more productive employees, making occupant health part of any business’s financial bottom line. Yet from building standards and healthy product declarations, the options for pursuing healthy buildings for your occupants can be overwhelming.

USGBC MA wants to empower you to provide your building’s occupants with the best environment possible at their Healthy Building Summit on August 14th from 7:30 AM – Noon at Le Meridien Cambridge-MIT.

At the event, enjoy a hot breakfast while expert panelists guide you through provocative questions and information on healthy buildings. Lead by Nadav Malin of BuildingGreen, the panel will include Heather Henriksen of the Harvard Office for Sustainability, George Bandy of Mohawk, Monica Nakielski of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, and Jeff Hyman of EMD Serono, Inc.

To learn more or register, visit usgbcma.org/hbs18.

Approved Event Logo
High-quality JPEG available at bit.ly/2uqnQdl
For vector, contact james@usgbcma.org