By Anthony Lucivero, Advocacy Fellow

According to the Connecticut Green Bank's quarterly report, there is an accumulated $54 million in projects funded by C-PACE.  This was made possible by the Connecticut Green Bank, the first green bank in the United States. The report states that $107,228,861 worth of energy costs have been saved, and that 12.1 megawatts of clean energy have been deployed due to C-PACE financing. 

While there has been no update in the realm of Massachusetts's PACE legislation, it is encouraging to see one of our neighboring states moving forward with this innovative tool for spreading clean energy.  Hopefully this example will show legislators that PACE will work in Massachusetts! The USGBC MA Chapter’s Advocacy Committee has formed a PACE Coalition which includes a broad array of stakeholders, including members representing constituencies including real estate, renewable and energy efficiency project developers, environmentalists, labor, construction, and finance interests. The Coalition is open to new members to join at any time – if interested, please contact me, your USGBC MA Advocacy Fellow, Anthony Lucivero.

Click here to learn more from our PACE financing background page, and here to see what PACENation has to say!

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