By USGBCMA Communications, More Green Buildings!

Experience a living building! FREE for members and $10 for non-members.

Sunday, July 24 from 3:00pm to 4:30pm
14 Chestnut Place, Boston, MA 02130
(Jamaica Plain)

Register here or below.

Come join us for an intimate tour of this very special facility. The Old Oak Dojo is the first living building in Boston and we will gather the Collaborative for a summer meeting to connect and celebrate this special achievement.

The Living Building Challenge is a building certification program, advocacy tool and philosophy that challenges us to ask the question, What if every single act of design and construction made the world a better place?

In April 2016, the Old Oak Dojo became one of the first 11 buildings in the world to be LBC-certified. On the fourth Sundays of the month, we can tour the space. We’ll be able to see all the salvaged materials, rainwater harvesting, indoor compost toilet, urban permaculture gardens, and more.

Learn more about the Old Oak Dojo on its website. We hope to see you there in a few weeks!

image sources: and


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