Workforce Training Grants: Accelerating Our Mission
Million Funded
People Trained
Courses Available
Since 2018, Built Environment Plus has directed $1.5M of Workforce Training Funds to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Green Building Community, which has provided FREE training for 1000+ individuals. This education effort is driving sustainable and regenerative design, construction, and operations of the built environment.
Participating in the Express Program or existing General Program from the Commonwealth’s Workforce Training Fund Program (WTFP) is a smart move for you and the planet. Built Environment Plus is curating important training to meet the needs of the local building industry for this moment.
This page was created to help introduce the two grants, to compare them, and to help you quickly see the amazing opportunity they provide. Please visit the Workforce Training Funds website to read all the details in full and get in contact with us so we can help curate the best experience for you.
“The Workforce Training Grant has supported Payette staff in learning new tools and skills that enables us to continue to push our designs in order to create better buildings.”
Important Updates to the Application Process & Policy as of 11/01/24
Thank you for your patience as we navigate these changes together. The following resources are available to support the Workforce Training Fund user community:
- FAQ Knowledge Bank
- Express Program One Pager with Examples
- Express Program Subsidy Estimator– estimate how much your company may be eligible for in Express Program reimbursement for each approved course.
- Contact Commonwealth Corp for support – Submit a ticket
Two Grant Programs Available:
Express Program
This grant is designed to help businesses with 100 Massachusetts employees or fewer respond quickly to emerging needs and keep employees engaged. With bite-size grants for just-in-time training and no waiting periods between grants, the Express program is the Workforce Training Fund’s fastest path to funding.
Express Quick Comparison
- Fastest path to funding.
- Respond quickly to emerging needs.
- Bitesize grants.
- No waiting periods between grants.
- Limited amount per year.
- No minimum number of employees.
- Must pay for employee time.
BE+ Express Program
- BE+ curated training catalogue.
- BE+ can provide guidance.
- BE+ responds to your needs.
Express Program Process
1. Pick a Course
- Choose one or more courses from the Express Directory
- Refer to the BE+ Course Catalog to see which courses we offer
2. Gather Application Materials
- Refer to the BE+ Trainings page to ensure the course(s) have been scheduled.
- Get a Certificate of Good Standing
3. Apply for Funding, Express Program Application:
- Apply at least 21 days before the training begins
4. Accept your Award:
- Easy e-signature to enter into an agreement
5. Register for Courses
- Register for courses on the BE+ website
6. Attend Courses
- Send employees to courses
7. Request Reimbursement
- Submit proof of payment and roster of attendees
Read more and get the full details on the Express Program’s webpage.
General Program
This grant is designed to help businesses of all sizes develop a 2-year curriculum to fit their needs. BE+ works with the companies to identify trainings, write the application, and administer the general grant. Companies then match the grant amount with the cost of employee time.
General Quick Comparisson
- Comprehensive customized curriculum.
- 2 year time-frame.
- Waiting period between grants.
- Greater amount of funding.
- Minimum # of attendees.
- Private trainings.
- Companies match with the cost of employee time.
BE+ General Program
- BE+ curated training catalogue (can add).
- BE+ can work with you to create curriculum.
- BE+ can write and submit the application.
- BE+ can administer the grant.
- BE+ can find partner organizations.
- BE+ connects you with the trainers.
- BE+ can provide support over grant duration.
BE+ General Program Process
- Contact us.
- Develop Curriculum.
- Submit Grant.
- Handle paper work with Commonwealth Corp.
- Memorandum of Understanding with instructors.
- Quarterly activity reporting and fiscal status reports.
- Grant closeout.
- Choose courses from our catalogue: on own for the rest
- BE+ administers:
- Consortium: 2 to 3 companies
- Usually represents 125 employees in total.
- $2,000 worth of training per employee.
Why a Consortium?
- Course Variety
- More Instances
- Less pressure on match
- Build relationships
Read more and get the full details on the General Program’s webpage.
Important Update:
- No new users will be granted access to the old General Program application system as of November 1, 2024.
- November 15, 2024 is the last day for General Program applicants to complete applications using the old application process.
- There will be a scheduled blackout from November 15, 2024, at 5:00 PM to December 3, 2024, when the new General Program application will be released and available.
- The New General Program policy will take effect on December 3, 2024.
Both Programs could fund up to 100% of your training!
Express Funding
Calendar Year Limit- $3K per person per course until $15,000 is reached per year.
- 100% reimbursement for orgs w/ up to 50 MA employees
- 50% reimbursement for orgs w/ 51 to 100 MA employees
General Funding
2 Year Rolling Limit- Up to $125,000 of training in a 2-year period.
- Businesses of any size in Massachusetts can apply.
- Training 100% paid for by the grant.
- Average cost per trainee in General Program grants shall not exceed $3,000.
Training Catalogue
We have curated over 150 courses to serve the New England Green Building Community. These include Intro and Exam Prep classes for accreditation in LEED, International Living Futures Institute, PassiveHouse, and WELL. Fundamental courses like Healthy Materials, Buildings and Carbon, and Intro to Designing a Net Zero Building, for example, get all members of a design team on the same page. Check out the full catalogue below and add courses to the form to let us know what is of interest. These training courses are not just limited to grantees, and we can work with instructors to faciliate as needed.
Your Participation is Crucial
Built Environment Plus is committed to upholding our mission to promote, train, and advocate for all forms of sustainable and regenerative building. We are focused on bringing relevant instruction to address the needs of the design, construction, and operations workforce in order to make this happen.
Businesses that participate in our offered training will develop industry leading skills in:
Integrative Design Planning and Strategies for High Performance Buildings
Current Green Design Standards
Green Building Rating Systems
Occupant Health & Wellness
Energy Efficiency & Carbon Management
Operations and Management of Green Buildings
Critical Leadership Thinking and Strategies
Business Operations Software and Tools
Building Industry Software and Tools
Presentation and Communication Best Practices
Current and Previous Clients
- Elkus Manfredi / Kalin Associates / The Green Engineer / Icon Engineering
- Payette / SAAM
- Gensler / Arup
- Dimella Shaffer / Leers Weinzapfel / BR+A
- Utile, Bergmeyer, Goody Clancy, Höweler + Yoon, Next Phase Studios, AHA, Buro Happold, BFE Architects, MPS Architects, Fused Studios, Cool Green Power, Synergy Construction, DSKAP, Abode Energy Management, New Ecology, IHC Design, Prism Energy Services, B2Q Associates and more..
“Utilizing this program for a series of whole office engagements around design excellence was a great boon to Goody Clancy because direct costs were completely covered. The workshops, led by Barbra Batshalom of the Sustainable Performance Institute, were a major step forward in ensuring that all members of the firm, including marketing, accounting, and support, understand the values and goals of our sustainability/design excellence framework plan.”
The Workforce Training Fund Grants are funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. The grant program is administered by Commonwealth Corporation.