Policy plays an essential role in our daily lives: from the streets we walk on, to the buildings we work in and the hospitals that keep us healthy. We rely on policy to guide the evolution of the built environment to provide spaces for us to live and learn, but what can happen to our infrastructure during times of political change?

How can you as a citizen get involved? How can stakeholders facilitate effective change? Join our panel of policy experts to learn about the legislative process, green building coalition building, current legislative committee discussion and more!

Register here.

Panelists include:

  • Eric Wilkerson of ELM
  • Rep. Chris Walsh of Framingham
  • Rep Marjorie Decker of Cambridge
  • Moderated by Craig Foley

Tuesday, March 14th
50 Milk St, 15th Floor, Aristotle Room
Boston, MA, 02109

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