AIA 2030 Superstar series
Express Program: NOT YET


Learning Objectives:

1. Learn how different strategies can successfully translate your firm leadership's commitment to sustainability or carbon goals into concrete actions and firm-wide culture change.
2. Understand how to measure and track your work so that "lessons learned" can translate into continuous improvement across your portfolio of work and you can see reductions in energy and carbon over time.
3. Evaluate which tools, analysis and research you should incorporate into your workflow at key milestones to enable the best process to achieve exemplary outcomes.
4. Develop a sustainability leadership model that works for your organization and culture (based on various examples from different firms) and accountability to ensure best practices being implemented consistently across all projects.
5. Align collaborative relationships with consultants with your goals and expectations - different strategies
6. ReDesign - Project delivery/design process shifts
7. Clarify t your marketing and biz dev staff how you can leverage 2030 program (and your DDx data) to differentiate your practice, improve your marketing and even expand your scope and duration of work with your clients.
8. Formulate a plan to map critical education, training and skill building to specific roles on your teams.

Course Description:

27 firms successfully met the 70% reduction target in 2019. These are their stories and lessons learned. (THIS IS AN AIAU COURSE ONLY - NOT FOR GENERAL WF GRANT)


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