By Molly Cox

By Molly Cox, RGBC

The Residential Green Building Committee gathered on March 14th 2016 before the “Policy Podium: Panel Discussion on Energy with Legislators and Industry Pros” that followed. We reviewed the goals we set for 2016, such as recruiting more passionate people to Chapter, and established that the personal connection is crucial in doing this.

One of the projects we have in the works is an Integrated Energy Efficiency Program. We want to make it easier for developers and contractors to see they have access to energy efficiency incentives available to them, when pulling permits prior to construction. We need to start with one city at a time and make the change to implement these Energy Efficiency programs as mere options, not requirements.

Increasing this awareness of programs will benefit both the developers/contractors and homeowners alike. Eventually we want these programs to exist statewide, and be presented in an easily understandable way for those involved at the beginning of the construction process.

While this program will drive people to MassSave, it doesn’t stop here. There are a multitude of incentives that exist, and we just need to find the right way to make this information accessible in an easily understandable way. We should especially target Stretch Code communities, as they are most likely going to respond positively since they are already on track to utilize energy efficiency upgrades.

Stay tuned for more updates on our next Committee meeting on April 11th, and our next Policy Podium on April 14th!

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