Why We Are Rebranding USGBC MA

Letter from USGBC MA Leadership

Final logo and name for “Built Environment Plus.” Logo designed by CreativeX2 Studio. 

Meredith Elbaum, Executive Director, announces the rebranding of USGBC MA at the 2019 Green Building Showcase. Photo Credit: Billy Yang


March 6th, 2020

The Secretary of State has approved the petition for changing our organizational name from USGBC MA to Built Environment Plus! Over the next few weeks, we are working to change over our branding, website, and communications channels to the new name. Keep an eye out for updates and information.

January 13th, 2020

The Board of Directors of the US Green Building Council Massachusetts Chapter, Inc. (USGBC MA) voted to change the name of the organization to Built Environment Plus.  In order to make this change official, two-thirds of our current members must vote in favor of this change.

This change reflects our growth and evolution as an organization, our new continued strong relationship with USGBC national, and our partnerships with other industry leaders. We will continue to be our own member driven 501c3 organization. We will continue to promote USGBC national as its local partner and LEED remains integral to our mission. And we will continue to partner with ILFI, as the home of the New England Collaborative, and to promote WELL, Fitwell, Passive House, Envision, and others partners advancing our mission.

We are currently working on a new strategic plan that we will present to the community at our annual meeting in January 28th.  The plan is based on five key areas: education, community & celebration, research & resources, advocacy, and organizational excellence.  We believe the rebranding effort, in combination with the new strategic plan, will further enable us to meet our mission. We hope you agree.

Barbra Batshalom, USGBC MA Board Chair
Meredith Elbaum, USGBC MA Executive Director